Tuesday 4 October 2016

Life of an overthinker

She wasn´t introvert but then she wasn´t even extrovert. I wondered who was she, i saw her chirping like a bird in the crowd and then another time she was in silence by her window with no eye to find anyone. 

Her loneliness was her home, her mind was her demon. She will think and think and think till it is nothing but an overthinking of life. She is her best critic and she is the best judge to save herself on her own mercy. The life was same for all they say, she said life is not really same but yeah for weak the simple too gets difficult while her difficult was no challenge for the people living on bed of roses. She knew there were those who made her feel blessed but then she was all out there to serve those till they made her gone and left. 

She went in her own world every now and then and it was impossible to figure out who will even understand. She will meet then once in a while till soon in matter of days they will be nothing but a shallow appearance of depth. It was getting harder day by day to find anyone worth knowing the soul, it was merely the act of love that made her touch them once in a while. But it was just an act and her play was all set with nothing to wonder yet she wondered till her wondering was wondering that where she has gone and where she has left. She had no sense and no memory of taking off and knowing who left and whom she left let alone it was nothing that was left. She is okay where she is and she is okay not knowing that she is okay or not okay. She think and over think but let alone she is the think of the thinking that goes in her own thinking. She is engulfed in her thoughts, like a soul in a drought. 

She was entangled and suffocated in her thinking of thinking but there is no way to get. And only a thinker would know what is talking about. She want through the day and it feel like a thousand lives in a single life. She is tired at this young age as she has live over and over again in her thinking from being a child to an old lady on death bed and yet she do it again every day.

May her mind rest in peace, may her soul live in peace.

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