Tuesday 4 October 2016

How does daimoku, activities and efforts are working for our victory towards November 18?

November 18 is not far away and we all have already started walking towards it with endless amount of daimoku, activities and endless efforts get our goals.

Like you all, i am working towards my biggest goal for November 18 with nothing in my sight but reporting my victories directly to sensei this time. So, yeah this time it is not just any goal this my ¨The Goal¨, ¨The real proof¨ or say this is it for me to advance in my faith. Exact 1 month ago, i was stuck like there was no turn around, i lost calm and i went into low life though it was for merely 2 days before i got up again and recharged my batteries with fresh determination. After 25 days, here i am still charging towards my goals though a lot has been going around. 

I am realizing this is the first stage in this journey of victory as i can see a clear change in my environment from work to home and my personal life with all the people in my environment. Now probably you are wondering, this is all positive change well here is the surprise. 

In last 25 days, i started reading Gosho more than usual like 3-10 goshos every day with daimoku and continuous participation of byakuren. I encountered over a quote of sensei ¨Complain erases the good fortune¨. Along with, an experience where a ywd started chanting on ¨transform resentment into compassion¨ as no matter how hard work she did and good causes she put but she was not able to have a breakthrough. Even though i never felt any resentment other than for my life at times, i thought to give it a try.  Two weeks of chanting on ¨transform resentment to compassion¨, i have turned into a walking fury. Every minute, i can feel how i am on a edge, i need to control my anger with a control over my sarcasm. I have to apologize multiple times to my boyfriend for being so sarcastic. Man, who said daimoku doesnt´t work :P My one prayer is challenging me by putting all sections of my life on forefront with nothing but so much anger and resentment. Interestingly, suddenly even the invisible resentment has come out. All of a sudden, i am irritated by everything people do, i don´t trust anyone not a single person. Additionally, all fellow member are also in similar boat saying hell is broken lose and questioning me that what happened to all their hard work. Well here is what i am telling myself each day.


  • Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn. This situation of hell broke lose is like blessing in the disguise, answer of our prayers. This is the wake up call and the dirt sitting under that carpet is finally out.
  • Answered prayers can bring out what might have become invisible to us, but need to be taken care of to bring that change (human revolution)
  • Not a single effort goes to waste, just keep pushing forward soon this dust will settle down after practice is like ¨Dragon Gate¨ Dragons have the job of making the rain fall—this same work can be regarded as a burden or as a mission, depending on how one looks at it. This difference in outlook or attitude is also what determines whether we will be defeated by negative influences, or evil friends, or successfully attain Buddhahood. Truly, as Nichiren says, “It is the heart that is important” (“The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra,” WND-1, 1000). And this difference in heart or spirit comes down to whether or not we embrace the great vow that is mentioned in this letter.
If you are in same boat and experiencing the earthquake in your own little word then keep up as soon we will enter to stage 2 and i will be back with stage 2 of this journey to November 18 victory.

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