Friday 14 October 2016

Personal Power Prayer

I am not a person with fixed prayers, i always chant from heart like follow my heart and feel every prayer i have. Sometimes, i just follow every emotion i am going through as i don´t believe in opening my butsudan or chanting with a descriptive prayers that is not coming from my heart. This is my reason to be able to chant for 5 minutes to 10 hours. Despite this form of chanting, i have always held some prayers dear to my heart and truth is with each passing day they only got more profound. So here is my recipe to embrace this practice and expand my life in day to day basis:


  • I must believe in my gohonzon, i must trust it with all my heart. I entrust it with all my wishes and desires and i chant for these prayers to unite with my mission of bodhisattva of the earth. I chant to believe that i am a Buddha, i chant to have Buddha´s wisdom, Buddha´s mind, Buddha´s face, Buddha´s eyes, Buddha´s ears, Buddha´s voice and Buddha´s heart filled with compassion. I chant to live a life of Buddha with all Buddha´s actions in accord with Mystic law.

Power Prayer when deadlocked:
  • Gohonzon surprise me with the limitless potential you hold for me and i seek the wisdom to embrace it and live with this potential each day with Buddha´s courage .
  • Faith wins over fear
Power Prayer for relationships:
  • I chant for both of our happiness to come in union with each other and universe. I chant for the true Buddha nature to emerge in both of us and create value in our lives and in lives of people we are connected to. 

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