Monday 17 October 2016

Stage 2: Victory towards November 18?

If you are in same boat and experiencing the earthquake in your own little word then keep up as soon we will enter to stage 2 and i will be back with stage 2 of this journey to November 18 victory.


Roughly 2 weeks ago after a whole lot of concentrated daimoku, i started going through a stage filled with anger and so much more. And today after 2 weeks, i can say anger calmed down though i have changed my course of fight. I have realized a lot of things including how my heart to heart dialogue that changed course of my relationship while i have discovered my true friends who are equally holding on to my dream and victory to happen. People who seemed closed actually faded away as i grew as an individual and became more selective of people i chose to surround myself with. Don´t be scared of losing people is my one advice to anyone, when we go through our life, we need to understand who adds to our life and who really adds to our dreams and passion, and it is totally fine to grow out of love, friendhsip and so on. If one is on self growth then despite the hard path one will always come in union with mission of one´s life. Though, my gratitude goes to Gakkai, which has played a huge role while i indulged myself in weekly byakuren and more of sending daimoku to fellow members more than talking. 

  • Change is non-attachment to people in my environment.
  • Lack of hope but one´s dreams should be big enough that they scare you. So, yes i am scared to hell but then i tell myself ¨Faith has to win over fear¨. “Reply to Kyo’o”: “Misfortune will change into fortune. Muster your faith, and pray to this Gohonzon. Then what is there that cannot be achieved?” (WND-1, 412).
  • Determination: More the people in my environment ask me to prepare for a back up plan, more determined and clear i feel about my goals. I know i am in a position where i am down in hope as well as physically with bad health timing but i am not quitting. 
  • Nichiren writes, “Iron, when heated in the flames and pounded, becomes a fine sword” (WND-1, 303). He also says, “Put into flames . . . gold becomes pure gold” (WND-1, 497). Every effort we make now will eventually become our greatest treasure. Facing and overcoming adversity causes our lives to shine like a jeweled sword or like pure gold.
In this stage, all i can say is three obstacles and four devils and devil king of the heaven has appeared in its full glory to sap the happiness out of me but i am determined through my actions of continuous daimoku to push through this. I even got one free day during the week where i challenged myself to do 10 hour daimoku while over the weekend i pushed another 10 hour daimoku. At the end of all the hours i put in, i could feel myself whispering again ¨Yes things are going to happen and i will overcome this and i will prove to all that Mystic law is bigger than everything¨. A lot is at stake but there is no more BUT´s. 

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