Tuesday 20 September 2016

Why I don´t ask anyone to chant for me?

Ahh don´t worry, i am sure many of you won´t even read it thanks to the Blunt title ;)

Well truth is bitter and at least i can say it for myself without telling you to do what you should or shouldn´t.

Soon going to hit 6 years to my journey of practicing this Buddhist philosophy. Some days i am rocking and other days i can barely crawl. Most of my these 6 years, my fight has gone only tougher and so i got only stronger. I have come a long way from sensitive and emotionally vulnerable girl to groomed, strong and independent lady. I found self love including love for my flaws from looks, body or my career perspective with some grown up vision and love for my single life and beauty of dressing up for myself and so on. 

Major karma i face includes relationships from family, friends and work with spice of financial, career and home and so on. Anything left no :P Any regrets, NO :) Any doubts for practice, NO :)

Why i chose not to ask anyone to do Daimoku for me?

  • I am a Buddha, I am my Gohonzon and believing in law means believing that i am a buddha.
  • I took buddhist practice because it gives me power to be my own creator. It means i have power to change my life for good with my faith in daimoku. 
  • I look inside me and bring my power out to face my challenges rather than looking out like a beggar and asking others to help.
  • If someone themselves support me by their daimoku then i am grateful and i do appreciation daimoku. 

Reason: I never encountered any leader or sensei asking anyone to chant for them in fact only guidance or words I ever got is, ¨please chant for yourself, your buddhahood and so on¨ because it is always my Daimoku for my life. If I don´t have faith in my Daimoku and my buddhahood and me being a Bodhisattva then surely no one can save me. My strong ichinen may protect my family but it is my own action and my own Daimoku that permeates to the life of the people around me likely said, ¨One who prays will see receive benefits and protection for the seven generation of his family¨. Even the thought of asking someone to chant for me makes me cringe out of fear that my faith is not enough or i am once again looking out for a god to save me. 

Every obstacle made me go back to basics, strengthen my three pillars of faith, practice and study and there has been no looking back rather i chant for others but majorly for them to realize their limitless potential on base of faith and understand the limitless power of their own Gohonzon. To conclude, let´s not forget NIchiren Daishonin Buddhism was started with the main principle of not dependent on any priest to chant for us rather to be able to lead our own lives.

Crux: If you can´t eat food or take shower or pay my rent or workout on my behalf or i can´t ask you to do gongyo for me right? Then why would you chant and grow spiritually or my behalf because it won´t work like when i eat and do things for myself. Similarly our practice is no different.

Happy Chanting

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