Thursday 19 January 2017

Do you feel practicing more bring more devils? I say RETHINK!!!

Fellow members say, i am practicing hard so problems are coming and i am feeling low, well i would say they are wrong. You know why? When i practice hard it shouldn't be only about doing extra but it should be about enjoy that effort feeling the joy of having this practice, the feeling of pure gratitude. Problem is not when you practice hard, problem is when we leave holes such as lack of gratitude, lack of feeling joy and lack of kosen rufu spirit of being happy and spreading this happiness with others that let the devils seep in. Devils come when we lack in keeping our high life condition, for boddhisattva a problem is an opportunity to grow and prove the power of law. 

When i practice more, i make sure i chant to feel the joy of chanting and doing these activities. Not only this i feel practicing harder is not bringing problems rather it is our determination to grow in our life that we encounter more opportunities to do some more human revolution. Practicing more can only bring you more fortune in your life.

Well, be careful as fortune is not same as being lucky. At some point we all have weighed our life in terms of being lucky or unlucky. I have personally seen myself as the most unlucky person but last night while being on the Byakuren duty i got an answer and wisdom to put all my worried to an end. 

Difference between "Fortune" vs. "Good luck"
Well good luck can be like winning a lottery or so but fortune is something we all can have. Even being unlucky person myself, in past year i have personally acknowledged that i have been very fortunate in my life at different levels from financial to relationship karma or so on despite it was one of hardest year i have survived. 

Ques: How do we accumulate good fortune?
Good fortune comes with profound change in my inner state of life. When i do my human revolution and change my negative tendencies like discipline life and working hard, i immediately feel a difference in my life state and so in my environment. When we chant, we put good causes in our life and when we put that daimoku into action in our life, it turns into fortune. 

Do you realise that all our problems are actually due to lack of action? I know you applied for 100 jobs but maybe you were so soaked in finding job that you forgot that meanwhile you get that job you need to make best of your time. One can do additional courses to improve one's resume or so on. Once can also use this time to do more in gakkai as once you get the job, you won't have liberty to do so much.
Happy chanting