Tuesday 17 January 2017

Stay happy amidst of hardships - Kosen rufu Vacation

Last December, i took off for a vacation of 3 weeks spent on another corner of the world. I went to visit someone who has played a huge role in my human revolution for past year and a half. While the world thought, how lucky i am for finally going away for vacations, i knew it was just another chapter of my own human revolution. Like i sensed, it turned out that each day was like a new opportunity to use my negative tendencies and turn all poison into medicine. Easier said than done, i started my trip with a perfect realm of calmness and peace. Starting days went by trying to follow the rhythm of this person´s life while my soul was craving for gakkai activities and my rigorous daimoku and study. Due to winter break, center was closed while i met a dear friend and a fellow member with a senior leader from there. That evening, i knew for me happiness means kosen rufu, it means to spread the law and the teachings.

While it was just one week reaction to lack of activities and my rhythm of practice, in second week i was sinking.  While whole world was taking break from gakkai in name of christmas and new year, i was sinking as my mind went in to a vicious circle of negative thoughts and pressure of my career. Due to sitting alone with my thoughts it was getting worse despite my chanting. (Learning: it is not daimoku itself that helps us with breakthrough, it is a pure consistent rhythm of daimoku and constant actions in faith and life that keeps us going forward)

With my inner wisdom, i chanted to be able to make this poison into medicine and suddenly, my fellow member friend gave me a green light for activities. It was a surge of joy for me that eventually i did 3 home visits, 1 meeting in kaikan and 2 meetings to meet as many members as i could. My inner joy knew no bounds and the journey for those 6 days gave me a huge opportunity to share my experiences and learnings from past years of practice. I was fortunate that i could make a difference, could bring members together, i could revive their spirit above all i could share this practice in shakubuku spirit with 2 new persons while one did chant and met senior leader as well. I can say, i could literally live up to the words of Ikeda sensei as he says, ¨Whenever and wherever we carry out activities, we must never forget to be guided by the shakubuku spirit - the spirit to share Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with others. This is the way of genuine disciples of great teachers of shakubuku.¨ (Ref: The teachings for victory 1., Pg 20., Letter from Sado Lecture 1)

Despite being in similar situation, with work stress and human revolution of being where i was with new people and all, i found my shortcut to happiness through Gakkai. I am at cloud 9 as i say for me Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and responsibilities as a boddhisattva in gakkai and outside are above my happiness and sadness. 

P.S Dedicated to the Gakkai of Bellingham, Washington 

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