Thursday 9 February 2017

My environment is the key to my human revolution

Buddhism is logic, buddhism is reason and buddhism is me becoming my best by accepting where I am. 

Last month, a series of things happened while some incidents were like an eye opener of how far I have come, some moved the earth under my feet and some reflected how I am lacking the courage to act or I am trying to settle for less. I know I am not home yet, this country, this city or this place is not my calling as I still yearn for the smile and gratitude I witnessed in my past. Today, I sit here thinking on that beautiful journey realizing how that memory is still alive and how I am alive when I try to remember those days. Just 3 months in whole 28 years of life are nothing barely a drop in ocean, though for me they were only days when I truly lived my life to my best. The ear to ear smile, shining eyes and peace at heart despite working hard and fighting hard each day, now that is happiness. So, finally my answer of the question, ¨What is happiness for me¨ is clear. Now, my goal is clear and I know what I am heading for but what about where I am or wherever we all are right now. Don´t you wish to be happy wherever you are despite of knowing that it is not your dream house, job with a nice boss which rarely happens or big fat check or that perfect life partner or how about being single or separated.

None of us like to sit back and watch rest of the world reach their career or personal goals while we are without a ray of hope. So, here is what happened:

1.  Over the period of almost 3 months, I have been able to maintain a smooth relationship with my seniors at work especially the person with whom I always ended up getting hurt. I can see my constant battle of 3 years of bitter conversations or experiences while I kept challenging to do my human revolution with nothing to expect in return and not having hard feelings for her are finally showing its proof. At last it´s not all gold but I can see a clear shift while I reach out for help to her and she understood me and helped me for 2 hours continuously and recognized my hard work as well as motivated me to continue doing this.
2.      In last posts, I mentioned how I lost two of my very close and important people in 2016 on a rough note. Interestingly, I never chanted on it except doing my human revolution for accepting what happened without holding any grudges. In January, both of these people came back to my life, while they wanted to discuss what all went wrong but I was like wow, I don’t even remember all those details rather I have nothing to say. I am just happy that we are back in touch and that’s what matters. My negative tendency to hold on to pain was suddenly all gone, I held on to happy memories I shared with them while rest all the bitterness was gone like it was never there.
3.     I have accomplished one goal after another at work, I am working harder and I am reaching my targets by taking one step at a time. Some days I fall behind but my energy is more focused on doing at least one thing productive per day and it is amazingly helping me deal with severe anxiety attacks or over thinking in negative cycles.

Likely said, it is my environment that is a key to my human revolution, all wrong days were the reason I pushed harder, the bitter experiences or people around me taught me where I need to change my karma, how I need to deal better or do better. It is pain that teaches us compassion. It is reality that teaches us difference between happiness and sadness. Nothing else but it is faith that has given me power to take my life and its own problems in my own hands and deal with them and overcome them. Without putting daimoku and gongyo as first and last thing in my daily routine, I wouldn´t have come this far. Without gosho, I wouldn’t have learnt how not to be swayed my eight winds of life. Without activities like byakuren or meetings, I wouldn´t have been grounded with victories in air.

In midst of challenges I overcame, I have come to realize my kosen rufu house or relationship or job are still far away only if I think kosen rufu is happiness or perfection. But kosen rufu for me is growth and my present house, job and relationship all are mess and painful but with each day I take one step ahead as my mission is right here and my joy speaks on its own when I fight with chin up and report my human revolution to fellow members. My happiness might seem far but each day I learn a bit more about me and I do a bit more to do more and grow more. Polishing my mirror is my mission, how about you?

A food for thought


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