Tuesday 22 November 2016

3 step guide to break any deadlock, mind it ANY DEADLOCK!!!

Too many guidance and too much study material but in the end it is the one´s own experience that results into tried and tested solutions. You can say you have 100 problems and so you are in low life, but only deadlock we all have is low life condition once we turn this low life to high there are no more deadlocks.

I was sucked in all 4 sectors of karma from career, relationship, finance and health and when they all dawn together it is like there is no way of coming back up. 3 weeks ago, i lost big time but then i simplified my form of practice.

Here is how i changed my prayers:

1. Chant to cherish that i am chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
2. Chant to have protection in all sectors of life.
3. Chant to give  my best where i am.

1. High life state: Despite similar challenges and problems, my life state raised in 2 days
2. Discipline: Being disciplined and desire to practice came naturally
3. Protection: Immediately things that were not moving for a long time started falling in place
4. Victories: YES
5. No deadlocks
6. Karma: Fixed or unfixed both seem to be changing every day.

Personal view point:

This practice is not complicated its just that we want to sort out everything and we want to chant on 100 prayers. I did that for a long time but suddenly after my biggest loss of career in years something did hit me hard. I realized i don´t want to run after life or run after my prayers, if i am votary of lotus sutra then things will come my way on their own. Question was but how and where do i lack? With chanting and reading so much my brain got stuck on one basic principle, cherish this practice and that i have encountered this law and then seek for nothing but protection. When i seek for protection it will cover all my prayers from A to Z, my prayers are nothing but all about finding solutions to the existing problems. For example, seeking protection for family means protection in health, finance or relationships isn´t it, and seeking this protection for ourselves will also cover all the sectors of problem. It helps me from not getting exhausted over my prayers which eventually turn into an obsession. Clear prayers even help me in feeling light and feeling complete without chanting for too much yet secure that things will happen.

Only thing i would say apart from this is, keep daimoku and gongyo pronunciation crystal clear and be sincere with silent prayers, this is truly a secret to break through the wall of negative karma that you have been standing behind no matter for how long. Do it for yourself and be surprised :)

Happy chanting


  1. Hi kanupriya
    I really enjoyed reading this article.. It is really inspiring. Thnku for guiding..

    I am also into this practice... But unfortunately I lost my track.. And now a days m not chanting at all.. Plz guide in this area.. I really want to resume practice. Feel incomplete.. Please please please guide .. M new in my city.. Dnt know anyone here who is into this plus cnt join meetings due to family constraints

    1. Firstly, thanks for your honest comment. Secondly, about re-starting well this goes by without saying that base it on faith which means you must chant to get connected. I don´t know in which country and city you are but look for Soka Gakkai of your country and call the center and email them (if you found me through NMRK facebook group then kindly post in group as well to find near by members). I am sure you efforts to get connected will bring you fruitful results. Lastly, about family constraints if your faith is strong then with your honest human revolution and real proof of practice in your life, they will start practicing one day. Yes, you can always chant for them to be connected as well. In the end, only guidance is above post. Follow 3 steps and explore your life in a new light. :)

  2. Really encouraged and enriched.. Thank u

  3. Really encouraged and enriched.. Thank u

  4. Hello Ketki,
    I have been chanting for month now as i am 1month in this practice.Incase anybody is low in chant then please connect to local SGI Center or u can call SGI Member and he/she can visit ur place and chanting together can happen.Incase still u donn find anyone then please call me or i can call and we can chanr together.
    Born to be Happy
