Sunday 1 October 2017

2 AM walk in Barcelona

I wasn't wandering but just on my way back to home... knowing the streets as if i grew around here. I walked down the streets as if living in another age. My mind slipped down to memory lane. The first memory to fly off to another continent as if i was going to a nearby market... the night i dared myself and took off to club all alone, took some drinks and danced out for an hour...
the day i enjoyed the dancing there like a free spirit so free that i scared men away, they watched em move but no one dared to lead me...that night when my heart was broken and that guy just sat with me by lake explaining me his own shit love story while i walked home all alone... then again another man didn't dare walk me to my place...
the return  where they made me feel i never belonged there and made me more sure to better be alone, i kept going through my daily life touching lives, moving on, spreading smiles still never been good enough... all she wanted to do was control me but still i chose my way ...
that night with no food, then a year long lived in darkness, from unknown language to finding my voice, those tears and screams when i saw my favorite team, that magical night where the songs moved me, till tonight still finding me walking by myself... no witnesses, no companions, no tears and no joy. I just walked around the corner, the waiter said good night beautiful, i replied you too. He stumbled, blaming me for losing his focus, i smiled and left. A sudden twinkle of reflection, i am turning into a bird, starting to fly, finding my voice... who knows where i will be but tonight i needed to let my words flow. Who knows, who will make sense out of it, even if anyone will read it but i knew i needed to type... i am writing for myself tonight, some day someone might see it, someone might wana know me, someone might find me lovable, someone might actually love me, make me smile and hopefully before anyone it will be me.

a lonely soul, beautifully flawed wishing to watch over the sight of ocean and brightly lit moon in the night sky, with those arms around me because i know someone is there waiting for me like i am waiting for him... loving the love, ............but tonight its just another night but the silence keeps me awake and tomorrow will be a new day where i will work hard, wish harder and who knows what

sleep tight


  1. Hmm, so you were already looking for a guy to cheat on me with back in’s sad that I actually believed you were a good and faithful partner😔. Nope! Just another shallow, lying, cheating asshole.

  2. If you think you can ruin someone’s life without serious consequences, you are sadly mistaking...
