Wednesday 11 October 2017

What is Victory and why you should stop waiting for it? - Nam myoho renge kyo

I shared my journey... i shared how i have kept winning each day... i shared how our practice gives us the way to be victorious each day. I am just trying to learn from what sensei has done over the years.
My secret to find my smile in midst of all the challenges is my faith, it is how i have understood practice and the meaning of ¨Victory¨.
5 years back, a leader showed me the hard truth of my life that how selfish i am as i just couldn´t reach my goals. That day in fact even one month following that i struggled to even understand what he really meant. How can a person like me be nothing but selfish? He was right, i was only focused on reaching my goals, reaching those end results that only represented how my whole existence and happiness was dependent on something outside.
Fast forward to today, i am in most uncertain time of my life, being in foreign land and having no back. For many i am not okay or happy or any close to victory. But i know i have won already. Truth is in all the uncertainty, i am still OKAY. I don´t need world to see it that i have won today as i made it out of my bed, I am victorious each day in multiple ways. Believe me or not same goes for you. Just because dream, job, a perfect soul mate or love or money is not happening even then you can win each day. My biggest victory is my smile, the warmth i carry with me for people around me including strangers i walk by on streets or the lady who sat next to me in the bus. My smile and kindness and hope i shared with others through my eyes is how i win each day. We can´t keep waiting for days and months or even years in hope of someday it will happen or someday i will meet someone. Wake up tot the truth, opening that Butsudan and chanting each morning is like embracing the law that says ¨Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is happiness¨. This absolute happiness is in your hands. I know you feel like crying and your heart aches as relative things didn´t work out as you wished but despite that when we start living our life as bodhisattva of the earth, we are already victorious.  I won the day I personally came to accept the truth that my face is a reflection of Soka Gakkai spirit, or my smile even on tough day shows how Buddhism helps me improve day to day life. Now that´s how i have seen real proof of practice. Proof is when at night i still have a bed to sleep in or some days have even the food. Some day’s just one person who can sit by my side. Victories have no name, they are what you think they are.
Reflect upon your journey, earlier i will have tough times and i will complain and stay sad till life wasn´t fixed. Now, i am conscious of my life, my emotions yeah may be i feel hurt but acceptance of my emotions doesn´t mean that my emotions have to control me. The concept of ¨Master your mind¨, put that into application and i have learnt to do this and i do it consciously each day. With all i am going through, i am come closer to my family, a hard core person like me has learnt to lean on to my family. That’s my victory. I have learnt to put my problems aside and be there for others. I have to continue living and enjoying those beautiful meetings.

The real meaning of our faith and how to apply in our daily life is explained again and again by sensei. In fact the book, discussion on youth talks about, ¨Drawing on the belief that every person has within them an “inexhaustible wellspring” of strength and wisdom, the authors assert that every difficulty, no matter how serious, are essential experiences to achieve a fuller, happier life. The most fulfilling way to live, they assert, is one spent for the happiness of both oneself and others.¨
Sensei has written his journey over the years explaining the hardships he had to go through and his spirit to go on without weighing his past or present in terms of victories. You know for me you are victorious when despite all you are going through or a night spent in tears yet you showed up next morning for the meeting with a smile on your face.
Sensei says, ¨ In society we find those who win and those who lose. Fortune and misfortune cannot be calculated. However, even if one wins, his elation will not last indefinitely. But a person of self-awakening, even if temporarily defeated, can go on to build a future vaster, broader, deeper and greater than that of the person who originally won. As long as one is not defeated fundamentally, he should continue step-by-step, confident of his eventual victory.¨
Fortune and misfortune cannot be calculated. However, even if one wins, his elation will not last indefinitely. But a person of self-awakening, even if temporarily defeated, can go on to build a future vaster, broader, deeper and greater than that of the person who originally won. As long as one is not defeated fundamentally, he should continue step-by-step, confident of his eventual victory.
Chanting diamoku is the only way to break deadlocks, whether of the body or the mind.
The sooner one knows the Mystic Law, the sooner he can attain happiness and peace. Even a day’s hesitation will cause a day’s delay of happiness and peace.
Only the Gohonzon enables us to solve everything. All I must do is reflect on my own faith, and whether or not I am committing any slander.
Now about your goals, well you will reach them if not today then tomorrow but all you got to do till then is live your life to the best and work on your human revolution. You can´t spent all this time weeping and only smiling in good times as that is no what Soka spirit is. Anyway, if you ask me but I don’t feel happy so how do I do it… remember what sensei said, ¨Gakkai activities are shortcut to the happiness¨
-Happy Chanting
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