Friday 16 September 2016

What should i do? How should i pray? How can i do more activities?

These question are very common after all we are so busy these days with family, work and then house work and additional health care and so on. Obviously, where do we have time to chant or home visit or go to meetings when we can barely finish with our daily activities. After all, we are so sleepy that 6 hour sleep is never enough or talking with friends or sitting with family or going for movies on Sunday is more tempting than going to a meeting. 

So, how do we or when should we work on our three pillars of practice?

Self talk: I sat down and thought about my whole day schedule and realized that the reason i am asking these questions is that i know i am not giving my best. I know i can do my best but it will need me to work harder and organise better. So, what did i decide?

I personally stay 12-15 hours outside my house including work and gym. Then how and why should i practice? 

Firstly, it was important for me to understand the reason why i practice just for benefits or to really change my negative karma into positive? Well for me, my Buddhism practice is like center of my life, if i don´t make by daimoku as base of everything then i lack wisdom to organize better or do my best. Eventually, i take small happenings of day including remarks of people like from my boss, colleagues or friends too personally. It lowers my life state, mood and eventually i end up losing my focus and i mess up everything. Without a high life state, i end up falling in face of challenges and feel hopeless. I don´t even feel the fire to continue with life or grow further in my life. 

Conclusion: Buddhism practice is food for my soul and it is my only way to stay strong spiritually, it only help me walk courageously through my daily challenges but also gives me protection and opportunities to improve myself. Eventually, these good points are not only in my own life but they also permeates to the life of people around me including my family, friends and colleagues and so on. 

Ques: How do i do everything despite of mess of my own life?

Answer: Well, i have understood the importance of practice so there is no doubt i have to do it despite of my laziness or chilling out when i should chanting. You must have heard, ¨if  it is important enough then you will make time and do it.¨ So it goes for our practice, if you truly want to make Gohonzon as center of your life then you will make it one by first waking up and chanting and putting your best food forward for the day. If you have ichinen then you will, chant to be able work efficiently so that you can do a home visit in evening. If you have heart filled with Nichiren Daishonin spirit then you will make it to the meetings on weekends and if Sensei´s word touched you, then you will not give up in face of challenges. 

Take home message:
Don´t ask others but ask yourself, if you are not giving your best and not putting Gohonzon or this practice as center of your life then you know it deep down. If you want to see those changes that others report in their victories then you have to put action and chant to be able to over come your weakness and live life with that limitless potential through faith. 
If you are already doing enough with activities, daimoku or study then it will be reflected in your life state, and daily life that is free from doubts or questions. 

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