Friday 12 August 2016

When and how do we change our Karma with Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism?

People ask me this one question every now and then, "Do you believe that we can change our Karma?" My answer is "YES".

I have witnessed myself that yes our karma does change and I have not only seen it changing but i have felt the change itself. First time, i really changed my relationship karma was when i did a very intense human revolution. A period of 7 days with rigorous Daimoku and constant study of Gosho led me to so much wisdom, compassion and courage that i never felt such surge of joy ever in my life. 
I always thought it was just human revolution and consistent practice of 24x7 that led to changing one's karma. 

But my recent understanding took it to whole another level. Changing karma is like simple math:

1. We encounter a challenging situation 
2. Chant to raise our life condition
3. High life condition = wisdom, compassion and courage 
4. Wisdom, compassion & courage = right thoughts, words and deeds (Actions) 
5. Right actions = Good fortune 
6. Good fortune = Positive karma 

Question: What really triggered the change in our karma?
Answer: Generally, when we face challenges we immediately dive into negativity or complaining attitude with questions like why me? It is like a vicious circle of negative thoughts, words and deeds. Whereas, we all know karma is formed by thoughts, words and deeds. Now, if we can break this cycle of negativity that means we can change our karma. It is important to understand that in the face of struggles, it is hard to break this cycle that is why the first thing we need to do is chant. Chant to bring forth your Buddha nature and not getting affected in the face of devil is like a power prayer to change one's karma. Once we raise a high life state then we face the struggles with a strong and determined attitude resulting into change into our thoughts, words and deeds. Thereby, we immediately break the cycle of negative karma and enter into another cycle of positive karma. 

Similarly, not being able to maintain our high life state can affect our future actions leading us to fall back in cycle of negative karma. This is why, Buddhism is a 24x7 practice and a religiously consistent practice will surely lead to absolute happiness.

Happy Chanting