Monday 8 August 2016

Buddhism for fighting Family’s Health Karma (Personal experience)

Hardest of all the karma’s is relationship karma but have you ever wondered how it entangles with health karma. If you are sick then maybe you will fight it or you will get lazy but when you have to fight with lion king’s heart for your loved one’s it seems impossible. It is really painful to see our loved one’s suffering while the earth moves under your feet.

Something like that happened to my family when 10 days back doctor’s said that my father’s heart has only 20% functioning left which means even if he comes out of ICU every single day is life threatening for him. Last time, he got admitted in hospital for same problem with 50% functioning left. Honestly, yes i am aware of the scientific facts but then i am a practitioner of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism. According to doctors, his whole life depends on his medicines as if they are his lifeline in fact he is allowed to skip a meal but not a single dosage. According to me, Sensei has been told that he wouldn’t survive after 30 yrs due to tuberculosis but today he is living beyond 90 yrs and not only this, Nichiren Daishonin himself prolonged his mother’s life with 5 yrs

Luckily, I was here with my family and not sitting abroad which is a clear proof of the Mystic Law. While being the elder daughter, i know it is time for me to chant once again to pay my debt of gratitude to my parents.

I know that my father is my biggest weakness and when i arrived here and i actually had to witness how my dad’s health has degraded in just last 3-4 months, it simply broke me. Then other day, when i took him to Emergency, all i did was focus on actions. I knew one thing if this is what is happening then i am not going to question power of this practice or my faith as a votary of Lotus Sutra. Like Daishonin says: “One accepts because of power of faith and continues because of one’s power of constant thought.” (Gosho 56, vol 1., The Difficulty of sustaining Faith) I know it is very easy to blame practice especially when our dear ones are sitting on death bed. Yes, life is nothing but a bitter reality but then again we are naive humans who are never going to be able to accept birth, ageing, sickness and death whether in 20s or 40s or 70s.

First night, i came home all i knew was that i have faith and i am not alone. I didn’t even ask my district or anyone including my own sister who is a practicing member to chant for dad’s condition. I have to say that from depth of my heart i know it is not a matter of asking people to chant for him rather it is between me and my Gohonzon. It is time to keep faith in the lotus sutra strategy rather than deluded emotions or applying any mind strategy. Like Nichiren Daishonin says:

“When we have this mandala with us, it is a rule that all the Buddhas and gods will gather round and watch over us, protecting us like a shadow day and night, just as warriors guard their ruler, as parents love their children, as fish rely on water, as trees and grasses crave rain, and as birds depend on trees. You must trust in it with all your heart.” (Gosho 73, vol 1., On Upholding Faith in the Gohonzon)

“Strengthen your faith now, more than ever. Though the ship is stoutly built, if it is flooded by a leak, those on the ship are sure to drown together. Bail the sea-ship of your life and disbelief out of the ship of your life, and solidify the embankments of faith.” (Gosho 74, vol 1., On Embankments of Faith)

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle? A sword is useless in the hands of a coward.(Gosho 45, vol 1., Reply to Kyo’o)

Likely said, not only Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the sword but upholding this faith is nothing less than that. Once we take up this faith it is like entering in the war field, where we are shielded by lotus sutra with a sword of Daimoku in our hand and the sole purpose of practice is to prove the power of law. At times, we confront loss of life, work or relationships and we start questioning why did this happen, even though i am chanting. Never forget, everything we encounter in our life is merely an answer to our prayers as it might seem harsh but we encounter obstacles to overcome them like a Buddha. Buddha filled with wisdom, compassion and courage while we change the negative karma of our life in this life time itself. Life is like a series of dots which connects and lead to where we are suppose to be, trust life and its process specially when it is wrapped in Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. To conclude, i would like to share what Daishonin said and what i kept in my heart to face no matter what would have happened or whatever will in near future:

“...Through his death, Thus Come One taught the eternity [of life], and through illness, the power [of Buddhism].” The Lotus Sutra can cure them [illnesses], which is why it is called myo, or wonderful. Miao lo says, “Because it can cure what is thought to be incurable, it is called myo, or wonderful.” (Gosho 76, vol 1., On Curing Karmic Disease)

P.S Don’t let your love for family or anyone become your weakness, make it your strength which can help you push forward in the midst of challenges.

Happy Chanting

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