Friday 6 May 2016

Why do we fall out of love?

A question that every happy couple ask at some point, it was all good, a perfect love story, understanding beyond age and magical chemistry. But today, here i am with my head filled with doubts, questions and fear of losing the most beautiful relationship i ever found. Grip of fear only gets tighter with a fear of losing what I have, fear of never standing up again, fear of never healing from it, fear of never ever breathing, smiling and being happy or ever being loved again…it gets tighter and tighter and my knees can´t take it anymore and I fall on the ground trying to catch some breath.

So, what happened to us?

We did fall in love and now it´s time where we are falling out of love and do you know why? The reason is same that you and you partner had or the neighbor next door or the girl you saw crying in that early morning metro you took, the guy who was drunk and acted like a brat and reason was they all were in love and now they all were told by their respective partners that it´s not same as it was. It is not enough what meant more than the world, they have suddenly got more mature or grown as individuals while they all knew they all just grew out of the love they had.

Do you know why? This is the only answer I ever found...

It was the efforts s/he made that you fell in love with, a little touch of love when you got upset and s/he called you back despite you hung up phone like an immature person, s/he made sure you ate, s/he told you every now and then that how special you are or how that attire makes you look more charming, s/he didn´t sleep till they made sure you are fine and that stupid thought is not bothering you anymore, s/he never let you face anything alone and little glitter of love was blown in air just to remind you that they are around. They made sure that we knew they are around despite all the social network distractions and hundreds of friends. That one morning message would brighten your day and give you all the energy you needed to face that horrifying meeting with boss. That was touch of love that you couldn’t stop thinking on next meeting with them. Till the day came those little touch of love lifted off and the flowers of love, communication and nurturing started to wither off like that cold winter. Till they realized how they have grown out of love it was too late and they both fought and defended their own actions choosing ‘I’ over the ‘love’, choosing ‘I’ over the ‘Us’ and choosing ‘I’ over the ‘peace’.

But they still didn´t count on the efforts that made them fall in love were the same actions gone missing and the love started to wither.


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