Tuesday 17 May 2016

Marriage Material or Break the Stereotypes

We all dislike changes especially when everything is going smoothly in our life. But there comes that day when change is the only option that gives us a reason to look forward. When change is the only hope left, when nothing feels in control so we chose change to renew our desire of life.

Surprisingly, I have never really encountered such people in my life. Probably i am surrounded but fear where people don´t experiment or lack the boldness to follow their dreams. But some are real rebel and i can see how they are fighting so hard to create their own benchmark. Above all, how society hates them and how they are labelled as someone with no morality.

Recently, i have found myself on a crossroad where i need to change something strongly in my life. So, even though my upbringing has been surrounded by words ¨be a nice girl¨, ¨don´t do this or that, what will society say¨, ¨don´t wear this or talk like that, what will society say¨ and list goes on while i grew up from a girl to a woman and now all i hear is, what will society say, who will marry you? But i figured i was not the only one rather we girls are told to watch how we eat, walk, stand or open our mouth, don´t laugh too hard because a girl from educated family has no right to even laugh out loud, breathe freely or wear a little less even on a hot day of 48 degree Celsius. 

I have lived my whole life living up to those standard bench mark which is set by a traditional society. Till i found myself seeing the world myself through those eyes. I was told to stay away from those rugged looking guys who cared more about their passion then being clean shaved or suit up all the time. But i always saw found them more charming and intriguing to discover, i wanted to know how they felt following their passion and not the life their parents or society dreams about. How they felt inside while men were told that crying making him less of a man. Or that girl with all the tattoos or piercing or smoking or drinking beer is immediately called out as a whore, surely easily available like she has no dreams yeah why would she, after all she is not acting or laughing like a girl from an educated and so called decent family.

This whole hypocritical thought process of people made me rebel more, made me sound like a bitch just because i found courage to stand up for my dreams. I chose my career over getting married at a young age of 24 or so and i chose to make an independent life for me rather than making babies and cooking for my husband. As if, the society hasn´t judged me enough and i then took this step to change my hairstyle and chose to break all the stereotypes because i chose comfort. Just because i found short hairs nice and comfortable and i almost shaved my one side of the head, i am no more the marriage material or pretty for god sake. My own people shrugged off as this hairstyle made me wander of me nothing but a bitch and all i could do was laugh. I don´t want to fight as i know who i am but i wonder about the society we live in. Why would i bring a daughter to live this life where she can´t even choose her own hairstyle or just a tattoo which she would like to have. 

So, here i am, i drink or i smoke but i am not a whore, i believe in the romantic love stories and i will marry my dream man one day. When the day will come and i know i am ready, i might make babies but it has nothing to do with what society asks for. I will have 10 tattoos but it has nothing to do with my morality, while i still gave my seat in metro to that old man when that simple decent and shy looking girl sat there pretending she didn´t even saw his shaking legs. My bold decisions doesn´t make a bitch rather i am open to accept you and respect you for who you chose to be or your own personal choices for your life. Yes, i am not the marriage material for you, truth is you are not the one i will ever marry who had the courtesy to judge my whole existence on mere choice of hairstyle i have.  

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