Tuesday 8 March 2016

How i learnt to love myself?

If you are a girl, woman, boy or man, if you think you are a lonely soul and here is what you need to remind yourself. Truth of life is we came alone and we will leave alone. But yet this hungry heart of mine craves for someone to love me and to love that someone to the moon and back.

You say you don't need anyone but deep inside you feel that no one will ever love you or you will never find your soul mate.

A heart wrenching pain of losing someone and not finding your better half can be scary. While you tend to run away from reality while partying or dining out with your friends but growing old doesn't make it any easier. Your fellow friends find someone and your companions list for lonely evenings start getting smaller and smaller. Till the day arrives and you have to face your loneliness and there is no choice. I was thrown in that phase where the love of my life and my own friends walked away as soon as painful days came. I was left with silence and my silent tears in the dark night till that silence was my home and I ended up falling in love with it.

You forget your true love was the love you had for yourself. You realize that the best company you can have is you and you only. You find your own path to your own passion, long lost dreams whether that was solo trip, getting in shape or long due plans for running a marathon. The lonely food is now the precious time, sitting down calmly and enjoying all the flavors of the food. Watching series till getting tired of laughing crazily. Those moments are so beautiful that now long awaited phone calls buzz also irritates you.

It was the difference of being alone than being lonely. The silence around came as a peaceful time to hear yourself, hear your heart. Trust me or not, this solo journey of life will lead to a path that people will start coming for you. Your oozing confidence of not being afraid of being lonely will bring the lonely souls to you and your energy and spark will add to theirs.

Love to walk your life and life will start walking for you.

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