Friday 11 March 2016

Broken heart mended through Buddhism

We all are practicing to become happy yet I never have a single day when someone doesn’t mention why I am suffering so much when I am practicing. At times my own days are so rough or I am so mentally exhausted that I can’t even bear to listen to that question. Eventually I beat myself up thinking that why did I go easy on me. I will complain to myself why did I let someone or something else become my center of life. I know my center of life has changed because my happiness has not been in my hands lately. I have come to realize that we all go through this bumpy road. We chant and practice with study and we are like rise and shine till we get soaked in our own habitual mode of practice that we lose the sight of our mission.

Eventually, things start going off note and work colleagues or friendships and relationships everything seems to fall apart. You feel like hitting rock bottom and now you are so mentally exhausted that there is no answer to getting back up. You feel hopeless like you have lost everything you had. You feel weak in your knees, can’t even get out of bed forget the idea of even going out of your bedroom. If you do get out of house, your face is so sad that you suck energy out of people who even cross you. This is the depressing part of hitting the rock bottom.

Reminder: you just forgot that you are a BODHISATTVA not some Mr/iss X. You want to hide go ahead, want to cry go ahead do it but don’t forget to come back. Be human and feel your emotions but your mission is still standing here for you to carry on.

Answer to every question is: We started suffering because our center of life changed from gohonzon (our inner buddhahood) to some stupid job, money or person. We lose the sight of the reality that we are walking on our own personalized path, just made for us with unique details. Those details can be break ups or rejection or betrayal and so on.

Solution: Wake up get back to your center of life which is nothing but gohonzon with faith. One relation or job gets over so what there are many more out there and surely much better. We are in particular situation to learn something from it. So, learn and move on to new lesson. Stability and happiness are just terms reality is being happy as who you are in mind, body and spirit. Just an example we love ourselves when we stay strong and deal with heart breaks or rejection not when we cry all night.

Let’s chant to accept ourselves and learn to appreciate who we are with a never ending sight of reaching out to the best of who we are. We all are buddhas yet we all are different, your charm is something I can’t compare myself with and vice versa. We have hit the rock bottom, good news there is no more falling, time to rise again and hold our foundation of practice with alertness. Bumps in the road are just like spicing things up, after all roller coaster rides gives the adrenaline. Use this sudden dent not to put yourself down rather use it as a wake up to see things in better way which is based on “how much we base on our gohonzon more than our mind”. MASTER YOUR MIND.

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