Friday 4 March 2016

Best remedy of Depression

"It takes one to know one" is the best way to say that who can really understand what you are going through.

That dark night or bright sunny day but you are curled up like a foetus in your bed or just might be in your heart. Just hoping to run away from the crowd yet wishing upon  to save you. My own friends and people have given up on me when i couldn't even pull myself out of bed. I would stay in bed for 2-3 days with no light and no proper food.

After all the thoughts running in my head going in a vicious circle and heart shattered to pieces, a new thought struck me. I have lived for me and i will do it for me as i am not dying like an insect. If i ever die or decided to even end my life it is not with left responsibilities, it will be with a satisfaction that i have done my part and now i can rest in peace.

Now, challenge was to get out of that dark room and reignite my flames of passion and the bright soul i have always been. So, being a buddhist i started with reaching out to my own acquaintances more than friends with a simple question, "how are you? I hope all is well". Response was astonishing, those were not mere acquaintances rather they were actually my true friends. They were so concerned about me and they actually trusted me enough that i could tell them that i had a rough patch and i was alone. They didn't judge me rather they were feeling bad that i didn't reach out to them and the one's i did, made me feel only worse. They embraced me with open arms filled with love.

My eyes were opened to the truth of depression again, it made me see who really cared about me. It made me cherish those beautiful friends i never knew existed. It made me cherish that i once again fought with my inner darkness and came out like a warrior. I feel so much blessed to have lived depression for making me so compassionate and on the way to become a forgiver as well. After all, i need to forgive those who couldn't fulfill their promise when i needed them the most. 

Gratitude is the key to all. gratitude to depression that the moon is still shining in darkness of night.

Just a piece of my heart.

P.S if you need one person to just hear to out, i am ready to do be your ears. I have been in your shoes and i am extending my hand to pull you up, just take it and i will walk by your side.

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