Friday 11 March 2016

Problem is dirty water or the spoon!!

I compare my life to a glass of water which is dirty. This dirt is reflecting my own insecurities, fears, weakness or my dark side. Now when days pass by the water stays still and the dirt settles down till a spoon stirs it up and the whole glass is filled with nothing but dirty water. I say spoon is the situations, circumstances, people around us who have the power to stir up my darkness. 

Generally, we misunderstand our situations or people and blame them for losing temper and screaming like a mad person. Oops, did i hurt your feelings? Don't worry i just hurt mine too. 

I found this principle as a buddhist practitioner but never looked at this example in this light before. I complained, nagged and blamed but now i sit here in my silence and my heart knows the truth. Those spoons came stirred up the dirt in the water. 

Solution: don't throw away the spoons :P rather clean the water. I practice to learn the source of dirt. This darkness is after all nothing but my own personal insecurities may be lack of self-love, may be i never listen, may be i can't trust or i say i trust but  already know that other person will hurt me. Problem is, i think spoon will sit in glass and dirt will still stay at bottom. That's the height of stupidity. 

Action: I strengthen my practice by not chanting just the words or suggestions given by people rather i chant to embrace who i am. I chant to understand why i react like this in a particular situation. I try to practice that next time when i will be in this situation i will try to act better. 

P.S Nothing in life is a quick fix, dirt will not vanish away in a day. After all, it is accumulation of our whole life including today. Stop grilling yourself and move ahead step by step.