Friday 29 January 2016

Faith in the midst of struggles: Part II

In the previous post, the main idea I was willing to share was to understand the meaning of faith. We all need to understand the fact that Buddhism is not just a philosophy rather it is a practical approach to life. As mentioned in earlier post, for me: ¨ Faith doesn´t mean i will not have human emotions of fear, or doubt but for me Faith is moving forward and having the courage to take actions and surpassing my own fears¨. Lately, I have been trying to use an example in my own life to use the obstacles, devils or sufferings in a fruitful manner. Generally, our first reaction to any appearance of a problem or a mere bad news is like, as I am practicing now so devils are appearing. We are so used to the word ¨devil¨ that we don´t give a second thought also to what we are saying. Apart from using this word so frequently, we even tend to say it with a negative emotion feeling like another burden on our shoulders.

My personal outlook to negativity, fundamental darkness, devils or obstacles:
For me my own life is a representation of the tree and like a tree lives through the four seasons and can´t bear the fruits and leaves throughout the year is similar to my own personal victories. We need to understand that the trunk of the tree is our own life, branches are reflecting our environment, leaves and fruits or flowers are a reflection of the actual proofs/ victories we encounter. Don´t forget the roots. These roots are representation of our characteristics like wisdom, compassion and courage which bring out thoughts, words and actions holding the trunk stronger or weaker. The roots are the reason that the trunk holds the life for years even through the harsh weather even then branches have gone dry with no fruits and flowers. These roots need nutrition like we are making a strong foundation of life using our own Buddhism practice where the nutrition for these roots are the devils, obstacles, sufferings or whatever you choose to call. When we encounter problems, we become sad instead we can be happy that here comes the nutrition for my life. 

Major issue is we tend to evaluate our life based on our branches and fruits they are bearing like success at job or love relations or finances instead of looking at how nourished our roots are or how strong is the trunk as in my life and life condition.

Outlook for sufferings:
Firstly, I would like to say congratulations to me and all of you who are in the midst of struggles. I know it sounds bitter but can you see that these obstacles are the first reflection that we are on right path. Secondly, when we realise that my happiness is not just dependent on the final results of my problems like finding a job or kosen rufu partner or house etc. but rather happiness is during the journey of finding these things. We don´t practice to live a life of suffering rather we practice to stand with dignity and pride while fighting and feel happy even during hard times. I know it is very hard to do. For first 3 years of my practice I was suffering too and challenges never stopped even though I kept growing in my practice. What I didn’t notice was that I was just sad during the problems till I found solutions to them. Till I realised this last year and took a determination that as a practicing member and as a Buddha, I must be able to live happy even when things are not okay. Lately, I have actually turned around the whole scenario. I have come to an understanding and I keep reminding myself again and again that my suffering is my mission, my karmas are my mission. As a bodhisattva of the earth each time I hit another obstacle I just tell myself, congratulations Priya, you are moving forward in your mission and here is another beautiful opportunity to show the proof.

To turn around my attitude in the midst of struggles, all I focused was on my life condition. When we raise our life condition, we tend to focus all our energy on creating causes, taking actions and using the opportunities as the source of nourishment. We have to understand that we as bodhisattvas have voluntarily took these karmas and said with a determination that I will fulfil my mission by showing the proof through these karmas. Do you realise how courageous we were to voluntarily take these challenges of karmas in the latter day of law or to be said present life? Then how can we be weak now and expect a smooth simple life for us. We all are extra ordinary beings with an extra ordinary mission and an extra ordinary path for each one of us. We have to take pride and welcome the devils as they help us reflect how much human revolution we have done and how much more we have to do. Devils are our best friends and they act as a fire to our faith and my determination to have another victory. Think about it, if everything is okay then how are we going to reflect on our gohonzon or why would we even polish our mirror.

My fellow friends in faith saw that I have no actual proof even though I have been working hard as a leader or other responsibilities or as a byakuren and personal faith, practice and study. Their concern pushed me to a limit that they started suggesting to take a guidance even though I was happy. But they all thought that I am just pretending to be happy. Though I took their advice and took it as another challenge to talk to a leader and see if I might be avoiding it due to language barrier. Recently, I met 2 leaders of country level of Spain. I took no help and went ahead and initiated a whole conversation for half an hour or more in Spanish. To my surprise they both had no guidance for me after listening to me and how I practice. Rather my leaders told me that you don´t have a face of suffering, I don’t think you need any guidance. They said I am already creating a huge big experience. I was so happy that my determination to shine through the problems have been fulfilled. My friends keep asking me how I am so calm or happy. Some are wondering if I am on drugs like that was the funniest thing I heard. Raised life condition can do wonders and make you victorious each day rather than living with a feeling like you are in a complete mess.

-   Raise your life condition with daimoku and connect sincerely with sensei´s heart and understand the meaning of being a bodhisattva with a unique mission.
-          Turn you karma or suffering into your mission
-          Focus on causes and take actions
-          Don´t give up on your dreams and determinations no matter how far or faded they may seem.

Happy chanting J

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