Wednesday 7 June 2017

Talking about faith with others

In the midst of my challenges over years, i have been told that i should share this practice with others. I have heard these words again and again while i struggled to reach my goals of bringing friends to meetings. It is not easy despite of me talking about practice with people every day. I have always been open about my practice as i have seen my own life transformed over years. I have even talked about practice in visa office or post office or during my trips in public transport. 

I always told myself that most important is, i put seeds of this practice in others life till they encounter it again and practice. Though deep down i always craved to do more than putting seeds. Till...

January 2017 brought new challenges and it involved people asking me about practice on their own. Despite me being a real proof at my work place and people calling me Buddha or psychologist just for having a voice and actions of Buddha, but they always found excuses to never show up to my invitations for meetings. I started chanting harder that people will come to me on their own and they will be responsive. They all loved listening about philosophy from me and they would ask me more yet they will always tight schedules or so on. Eventually, i successfully turned around situation with my support in darkness moment of someone´s life,  and she came to meeting and even chanted continuously. Eventually with tremendous benefits within a span of 2 weeks she won over her situation and left practice as life was beautiful again. On the other hand, a dear friend of mine was fascinated by my passion and dedication for practice and she showed interest in practice. I decided to join her to a nearest meeting in her city. She truly cherished the experience in fact shared it with her fiancee as well. She continued her practice till date though she hasn´t been able to attend all the meetings but she goes once in a while.

This journey has been a period of self-reflection for myself and an on going process of human revolution. Initially i got pissed off with the fact that the person who had so many benefits that how she can just vanish away from the practice and become unresponsive to my messages for coming to meetings. I clearly took it personally as i realized that i expect people to practice as sincerely as i am doing it. On the other hand, my friend as she has been so consistent with it despite of not being able to meetings, i have been patient with her and i respected her journey to grow in faith at her own pace. But then what was it that i lacked or do more to help my first shakubuku in this case. The more and more i chanted, more i encountered sensei´s guidance on believing in potential of the other. There i was, sat with a moment of shock. I knew i didn´t believe in her potential to become Buddha. Suddenly, it all made sense to me. When we try to introduce people with our faith and to soka gakkai, it is not only about introducing them or knowing that even they can become happy. There is so much more to it, it is about believing in the capability or potential of this person to be Buddha. From that moment on wards, i got more conscious of my thoughts, words and actions towards people. I knew i have to become more patient and let them grow on their own pace. Recently, this person showed up for another meeting even though it was for only last 10 minutes but my sense of joy had no bounds. I was very appreciative that she made an effort and i continue to believe in her till she comes to another meeting. After all, how i am with her and my warmth is a symbol of how soka gakkai is. On the other hand, i continue to work on putting more and more seeds day by day, some times i pass on NMRK cards or some times i just talk about my journey of last 6 years. 

** Shakubuku is not about numbers, it is about how much we put in other life including trust, effort and so much more. 

I chose to invest all i have in the person in front of me and let it be my only mission. 

Happy chanting 
Image result for shakubuku soka gakkai

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