Sunday 4 December 2016

Victory over emotions: Personal experience

How often do we fight in the midst of challenges, how often do we still smile and say I am happy I am having challenges, how often do we see our problems as our perfect chance to do our Human revolution?

So lately, my daily routine included wake up like 5 am then chant and then  fight with my work karma and then reach home at night like 9 or 10 pm, do my Daimoku and sleep. I have been in a perfect rhythm with eight winds, either good news or bad news but I was not swayed in any of the situation. Till last week, I am thrashed with a lot of emotional situations. I was put into a situation with the person who means world to me. I have to be honest despite all my effort of morning and evening Daimoku and all the weekend spent in Buddhism activities from morning till evening, still I was left a bit sad due to what happened. More than sad, I was pushed hard to feel guilty for living my own life, for having self-love or respect for my own dreams and life. I kept chanting with not a single change in my 3 prayers to unlock anything (Appreciate practice, Protection in all areas of life and give my best where I am). In starting, I wanted to chant specifically on what happened but then I was like no way, I must stick to my rhythm as this is the only way I have fought and overcome my biggest challenges. 

As I was already in weak zone, another person gave another verbal attack and it was like another hit to me. And 2 days later, I was given the biggest hit of the week. Beauty of this whole week was, despite of everything and being emotionally down yet I continued to push through without compromising my rhythm with Gosho on Eight winds. Hit after hit, I still stuck to my plan of doing one home visit, one meeting and then one Byakuren duty in a week. In fact I ended up spending whole weekend in Buddhism activities, not for a single day i doubted my faith or let it reflect on my face. Yes, one day i was dead tired due to extra hours and all but in my spirit, i kept soaring high. I knew those emotional hits happened, as they were my weak points and I needed to do my human revolution of not getting swayed. Faith was testing me and I am happy to say I definitely passed with flying colors. Not only, my practice got stronger but in fact out of 3 situations I actually got victory in all the 3 and those people reflected on their actions and reached out to me. Not only this, due to such a huge shift in my environment, i got connected to my long lost friend and my continuous efforts were acknowledged by leaders as well. 

P.S If we challenge to not be swayed by our circumstances and we continue moving forward, we will see that sometimes these situations are actually not hard. They change immediately as long as we don’t give into them. At times circumstances are like attention seeking child once the child knows that no matter what, person is not giving me attention, the child calms down and stop crying. Similarly, my life was acting fired up but I was not willing to give my attention and destroy my foundation of faith. Here I am, off to my next 10 day challenge and hopefully I will be back with another victory soon.

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