Tuesday 27 October 2015

Does chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo has any rules?

Are there any rules to make our prayers answered? If not then what is it? Why we suffer?

In the time of sufferings especially that has been going on for too long, everyone's victory or successful experience seems like a fairy tale. I am sure for each one of us our sufferings are the biggest, and we are the fighter standing in our own war field and facing it. The reason they become the biggest sufferings to us is, they wakes up our deep innermost fears.

I started this practice about 4.5 years ago and i wonder if my karmas are still standing there. I have a lot of challenges going in my life from health, relationship, financial and what not. Beauty behind all these dark clouds of sufferings is I have surely come far in my own life. I am no more running after happiness as I know it's just me who needs to accept myself, love myself and improve myself to become better then who I was yesterday. I have come to an acceptance that i am only responsible for my own actions and not others. I don't have the thoughts to blame others anymore, I don't fight with others when the things don't go as i planned. Answer to that is, i know it's just me who has full potential to control my actions and reactions to other´s actions. In fact it is not some lack of fortune/luck rather it is lack of wisdom, courage and compassion from my lack of chanting Daimoku, that makes my days difficult. Surely, this is an inconspicuous benefit of this practice only. Even though I kept falling and falling but I kept getting up one after another fall I had. I still continue to do the same, some days can be easier when i don´t let others overpower my life including my own mind and then other days i can be bogged down as well due to lack of wisdom. 

Today, I want to call out to each one of the bodhisattva of the earth (people who are trying to bring out their buddhahood) and request them rise above your sufferings. I know you feel tired and exhausted and it seems like this is it. I can't take it anymore. I know you have got lost in the puzzle of finding answers of why things are not changing, why me, why and why? Stop right there, why? Because you are asking wrong questions and so the answers are not coming and then with this circle of wrong questions and no answer and again and again makes us drained out. Let's not repeat our same actions to have same reactions, it's time to ask the right questions i.e. ¨how? ¨ How i can overcome it or how should i deal with it or how should i react to it? Answer is go back to gohonzon and pour out your heart and chant like it’s a dialogue between you and gohonzon (your innermost Buddhahood). The dialogue that would be honest, clear and so true in its own way that you might have to finish that dialogue without even wanting to because you have to deal with other work or go to office etc. This dialogue or chanting doesn't need some prescribed time like a medicine prescription or it doesn't need to be just some written prayers on paper given to you. This dialogue or chanting comes with no other rule than put it out through heart. This dialogue is like making the strongest bond of your life with gohonzon and none above it. This is your time, your moment and you have nobody to tell you how to do it or why, you do it by simply following your heart, feel it and listen to it. 

Enjoy chanting like never before 


  1. Encouraged..thanks for explaining in simple words.

  2. Encouraged..thanks for explaining in simple words.
