Tuesday 12 July 2016

A letter to loners

I write often but truth is mostly i write from the heart of Just a Girl and today my heart is whispering again. It wants to reach to those who have become loners either by choice or not.

Life is hard, oh yes it is. Some of us are put through the time and situations which we definitely didn't chose by choice but we are forced to face bitter truth of life. No matter how hard it is but we are all alone. We say, we got a family, partner or friends but at the end of the day they all live for their own comfort. So, if you are single or feel lonely i think our life is more blissful than one's who have people and yet sleep in darkness of loneliness. Lucky are those who find someone who can walk the hard path just to stand by you. Most of us never even get a glimpse of this love.

I have been adding days to my life, turning into years but i never met anyone who will stand by me or won't question my heart. They made me focus on what society will say more than how i felt. The one's for whom i was perfect at start but i am not anymore. I look at my so called loved ones, i hear their words, i look into their eyes and all i feel is how they feel the burden of having me. In the end, my own people add to my anxiety while i thought one has people in their life to ease their anxiety of daily life and do vice versa for them.

Love is all i have got with me to give but in the end i walk alone. I became a loner like a real loner few months back due to extremities of loneliness and after that i never went back to who i was. Today, my friends are saying they are turning into loner and they feel sad. But what they don't see right now is, being a loner is a bliss. A bliss to walk the world with not a care, you let go of the fear of what will happen. Last night, i came back to the place which actually turned me into a loner. Surprisingly, i feel as if i am home and all the silence around me is no more killing rather it is bringing me to life. A life of silence but much louder than anyone else's social life can be. I am not scared to hear my loudest cries in the darkest night. I know i have survived till now and i will continue to and trust me so will you.

Your own people might give up on you but it is just a phase to make you learn how to be your own best friend. I am learning to look inside more than looking outside or hoping anyone else to save me. I am my own saviour and i have finally become mature enough to grasp the truth that "People will come and go, making space for new ones."

Path of becoming a "Loner" might be scary but soon you will know how it is a path to wisdom and maturity, how all the noises will turn into bull shit or drama and you will embrace the truth of what really matters.

Just a Girl