Thursday 10 September 2015

How to start the Nichiren Buddhist practice

Our lives are surrounded by the different religions and philosophies and we all are in search of the one i.e. most suitable for our lives while fulfilling our personal needs. Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo helped me in growing spiritually which lead to the personal growth to help me deal with my daily life and making best out of ongoing circumstances.
So, as a beginner and now being on this path for quite some time and still going on, here is what i have learnt as a beginner and i still continue to learn. These basics can help anyone who is new to practice to have some basic grounding and progress along the way:

How to start?
Basics of the practice include 3 main terms, Daimoku (Chanting: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo), Gongyo (recitation of 2 chapters of Lotus sutra including some silent prayers) and Gohonzon (Paper scroll inked by Nichiren daishonin in chinese symbols with Nam Myoho Renge Kyo in the center, it is an object of devotion reflecting the Buddha nature that one can achieve when we chant). All we have to do is chant and do gongyo twice a day like morning and evening. It sounds super restrictive but it isn't. Logical point of view for this is, morning chanting and Gongyo helps with starting our day with fresh determinations and vow to give our best in our upcoming situations while in evening it is more like a gratitude practice, for being able to give our best wherever we could and to re-determine for the next day. As in the previous post i did mention that chanting brings out our Buddha nature to face life with wisdom, compassion and courage, morning Daimoku creates a strong foundation for the day. Whereas through the daily life and so many fluctuating circumstances of the day one gets bogged down with so many emotions that evening Daimoku lifts our spirits again. In principle, it is all about the heart so one can chant whenever they like and as long as they like.

P.S: Heart is all that matters, for starters you can just sit in some peaceful place facing a blank wall and chant with open eyes loud enough to hear your own voice. Open eyes is important as chanting is like calling out and talking to your own buddha nature, remember when we talk to someone, we sit properly and with open eyes as a matter of respect. All the practicing members can apply for the Gohonzon while the process differs on the base of country you are practicing in.

Foundation of practice:
Our practice has its strong foundation laid down on the 3 pillars of Faith, Practice and Study. Faith is about chanting and keeping the practice as the center of our life no matter what circumstances we are in, including happiness or sadness. Practice includes, Daimoku and Gongyo recitation while we have some monthly meetings and we are allowed to meet members or visit them to do Daimoku together (referred as home visits) and study. Study includes the monthly magazine of our organization and the other books written by Ikeda Sensei, president of our organization named as SGI: Soka Gakkai International.

History of Soka Gakkai International:
After Nichiren Daishonin inscribed Gohonzon and explained that the core of Buddhism is encapsulated in the Lotus Sutra. The crux of Lotus Sutra is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Also, buddha nature is universal and it is inherited in all the living beings. Therefore, chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo leads to bringing out the best potential of oneself filled with wisdom, compassion and courage.

In 1930, an educator and author Makiguchi build the organization named as Soka Gakkai. Soka Gakkai means, value creating society, we all are part of this organization with the main purpose of creating value in our own life and others even in the midst of challenges. In simple words, become happy and spread happiness as chanting is the tool to be happy.

Later on, Josei Toda, closest follower of Makiguchi became second president and promoted the idea of Buddhism as the self-empowerment practice. He also stressed upon the term "Human Revolution" reflecting that by our own personal heart transformation and with actions one can lead to enlightenment in the present lifetime itself.

Presently, Daisaku Ikeda is our 3rd president of the Soka Gakkai and continues on the path set forth by Toda Sensei and stresses upon Human revolution by basing our life on the 3 pillars of Faith, Practice and Study. At present, 12 million practicing members are spread all over 192 countries and it continues to grow further.