Tuesday 7 July 2015

Essence of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo

Some call it a chant then some call it a Mantra. I learnt from a source that it is more profound to call it a sound as it is not a mere language or a bunch of words rather it has essential roots coming from Sanskrit while written in Chinese characters and pronounced in Japanese.

Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, a sound known to be the universal voice of the Buddhas and universe that connects us all as one is known to be the essence of the Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism.  Nichiren explained Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo as the Mystic law governing the natural law of working for the life among the Buddhas and universe. Nichiren Buddhism philosophy says that each human being is a Buddha, while Buddha is distinguished as an enlightened human being. Buddha is known for the wisdom, compassion and courage. Therefore, an enlightened human being can distinguish between right and wrong while have the courage to act upon that alongside with a compassion to act wisely in a way not to have any negative impact on people in his surroundings.

Nichiren Buddhism was originated from the Lotus Sutra written by Gautum Buddha during the last eight years of his life. Lotus sutra is based on the mystic law of cause and effect. "Mystic Law explains the simultaneous existence of both the cause and effect of Buddhahood." The fact about Lotus flower that it blooms in white blossoms from roots sunk deep in muddy water. It represents that highest nature of Lotus flower comes forth through the muddy water. Similarly, the highest nature of our life is brought forth through the difficult hardships or painful realities of the life and society. Therefore, in present life time we all are living in the midst of problems or sufferings and the harder our sufferings are, the stronger would be our roots and most beautiful and highest nature of life will be brought forth. While we as human beings wishes for a smooth life and happiness with money, love, job, home etc. Truth is hard times or those challenges are the source of nutrition for our roots while that muddy water helps us strengthen our roots and bloom to the best while we simultaneously have seeds to our future benefits.

Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is like an act of voicing our innermost conviction with a determined vow in the form of prayer. While we chant, we make an self effort to determine to take charge of our life and with the responsibility of our life in our hands instead of depending on something outside. We chant to bring out our inner buddhahood that is we raise our life to the level where we can see the word with the potential as a Buddha. We chant to be able to have wisdom, compassion and courage to give our best in the daily life and create value out of every situation we face in daily life. We chant to not be deluded by emotions or let our weaker self take over and be affected by the environment.

Chanting is just a first step towards a new journey of our life where we only head towards building and creating our life with happiness no matter what circumstances we are in. We chant to create our own destiny like an artist creates his own art. We take the charge of our life in our hand while not looking for something superficial or someone out there to save us. We became our own saviors while we no more need to be saved from anything. Imbibing the essence of this practice is like taking the train of happiness where no matter which stop comes, we will just continue the journey of happiness. Take this step for you and see it for yourself.

Nam - Devotion
Myoho- Mystic law of life
Renge- law of cause and effect as the lotus flower
Kyo- interconnected life through voice

I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through voice. It is said, "Voice does the Buddha's work." This universal voice connects us throughout the three existences of past, present and future in present moment. To summarize:

Nichiren uses a poetic metaphor to describe this process: "[W]hen a caged bird sings, birds who are flying in the sky are thereby summoned and gather around, and when the birds flying in the sky gather around, the bird in the cage strives to get out. When with our mouths we chant the Mystic Law, our Buddha nature, being summoned, will invariably emerge."

Happy Chanting